Posts Tagged ‘Frank Reber’

Last Day of Tracking w/ Mikey Mason

Today is the last day scheduled for tracking with Mikey Mason. From here on out we’ll be working on mixing and then move on to mastering. We celebrated the end of tracking with some delicious brews that Mikey had brought to the studio. Don’t let the can fool you, this little guy packed one hell of a punch. Deliciously potent in all of its alcohol glory.

Muncie Madness

I’m back in Muncie after a two-week stint in Chicago. Here’s a brief breakdown of the reasons I have returned…

  1. My grandfather has been admitted to the hospital due to complications with his health.
  2. I miss my family (Family, Fiance, Cats and Friends)
  3. I have a 4 day recording session with Mikey Mason to track songs for his Impotent Nerd Rage album.
  4. Oh, and last but not least… Over the past couple of weeks my car has become increasingly unreliable. Being that one of my biggest fears deals with my car breaking down in the midst of Chicago traffic, I took it to Honda so that they could do a thorough inspection and figure out what’s causing it to act so sketchy. In the meantime, Honda has given me a sweet 2007 Honda Civic to abuse. I’m now on a mission to see how many miles I can put on this rental before I have to cough it up.

So there you have it ladies and gentlemen… You are up to date. I’m not going to bore you with all of the details of my internship at the fancy shmancy Electrical Audio… If you want to know about that stuff you will have to check out because this site is strictly business, people.

Internship @ Electrical Audio

Tomorrow I will be packing my bags and moving to Chicago, Illinois to stay with my good friends Erick Sherman and Richard Knapp for the duration of my 2-3 month internship at the esteemed Electrical Audio recording studio. I’m psyched about the internship and yet at the same time I’m bummed to be leaving behind my beautiful fiance and two cats for the next couple of months. I’m also going to miss my family, friends, and my recording studio. Alas, duty calls. I am looking forward to learning all that I can about analog tape machines at Electrical.

Right now I’m making a list of things that I need to take with me. I am going to be staying on a couch in a living room so I want to pack pretty light. I’m taking a portable recording rig with me so that I can continue to work on ideas while away from home. Well, I’m going to wrap this up because I need to get back to packing… Can’t lose focus!

Oh wait, I almost forgot! If you want to read about my experiences at Electrical Audio, you can check out my blog at

Take it easy!

©2010 Real to Reel, LLC (Reber Recording)